Al-Saadi, Hassan Ali2024-05-272024-05-272015-01-171314-6246 tumor development in colorectal cancer is one of the most investigated tumorigenesis in the world. This study aims to analyze the impact of presence of IL-17, perforin and CD68 on colorectal cancer. During the period October 1st 2013 – March 1st 2014, samples from fifty patients with colon cancer (14 female and 36 male, 7-75 years old) from Al-Hussain Hospital City (Kerbala, Iraq), Hospital Medical City (Baghdad, Iraq) and Teaching Oncology Hospital, Baghdad Medical City (Baghdad, Iraq) were taken and analyzed. Immunohistochemical analyses of IL-17, perforin and CD68 of colorectal biopsies were performed by using Dako’s Service (Denmark). The levels of IL-17 were significantly (p<0.01) higher in females (age group 41-75), and Duke C. Perforin was found around the crypts of the mucosa and submucosa. Their levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in males (age group 41-75) with significance (p<0.01) in Duke B. CD68 was present around the crypts, but results showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the genders, whereas there was a highly significant (p<0.01) increase in age group 41-75 when compared with the others groups. Also, the results revealed a highly significant raise (p<0.01) in Duke C when compared with the TNM groups and highly significant (p<0.01) correlation among study parameters. These results demonstrated the critical role of IL-17, perforin and CD68 highlighting tumorigenesis and inflammation as pro-inflammatory factors in colorectal cancer.enIL-17perforinCD68colorectal cancerImmunohistochemical study of IL-17, perforin and CD68 in colorectal cancerArticle