Bahchevanova, Teodora2024-09-172024-09-1720242815-4134 article examines the importance of play for the language development of preschool children. It describes types of communicative skills as well as the dynamics of children's acquisition of these skills. The article focuses on the role of play as an essential and stimulating tool for enriching speech skills. A survey was conducted to explore the views of educational professionals on the use of play as a means of promoting language development. The questionnaire consisted of 12 questions aimed at gathering actual information about the place of play activities as main means of stimulating speech activity. It also takes into account the effectiveness of incorporating different types of play in the educational process. Although some teachers reported challenges in using games, such as limited time, managing noise and difficulties in finding appropriate games, the analyses suggest that play can be a valuable tool for teachers to develop preschool children's language skills.otherplaylanguage developmentcommunication skillspreschoolPLAY AS A MEAN OF STIMULATING THE LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDRENArticle