Tkhruni, Flora N.Karapetyan, Kristina J.Danova, Svetla T.Dimov, Svetoslav G.Karimpour, Farzad A.2024-05-262024-05-262013-05-271314-6246"store"/52Strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from various samples of matsun, yogurt and salted cheese from natural farms of Armenia were studied. They have high antimicrobial and probiotic activities, growth rate and differ by their resistance to enzymes. Supernatants of LAB retain bactericidal activity at рН 3.0-8.0 and inhibit growth of various microflora. The application of different methods of identification and LAB genotyping (API 50 CH, 16S rRNA sequencing, GS-PCR, RAPD PCR) showed that isolated LAB evidenced a 99.9% similarity with L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum and L. pentosus species and coccoid forms of Streptococcus and Enterococcus species. It can be concluded, that some strains of lactic acid bacteria, isolated from dairy products from natural farms of Armenia, can be properly used for biopreservation of some foodstuffs. On the basis of experimental data, the LAB can be used as basis for obtaining the new products of functional nutrition.enLactic acid bacteriaprobioticsbactericidal activity16S rRNA sequencingProbiotic properties of endemic strains of lactic acid bacteriaArticle