Neychev, Nikolay2024-12-182024-12-1820230861-0029 article is an attempt to create а “quantum literary hermeneutics” based on the principles of quantum physics. In the beginning, the laws that underlie quantum physics and the revolution it has caused in our ideas about the world are explained in a popular way. The isomorphism between quantum theory and literature is then revealed. A thesis is raised about the need for a holistic physical/philological approach in answering the question: What is the true nature of reality? On this basis, six principles of quantum literary hermeneutics are defined. They offer a completely new hermeneutic method that “arms” literary science with a different but effective approach, allowing a more complete and adequate understanding of the artistic reality of a literary work.otherquantum mechanicsquantum hermeneuticsliterary theoryquantum literary hermeneuticsQUANTUM LITERARY HERMENEUTICS AND THE PROBLEM OF UNDERSTANDING THE FICTIONAL TEXTArticle