Ognyanov, ManolNikolova, MarianaYanakieva, IrinaKussovski, VeselinKratchanova, Maria2024-05-252024-05-252013-03-081314-6246https://doi.uni-plovdiv.bg/handle/"store"/39Water-soluble and acid-soluble pectic polysaccharides with significant immunostimulating activity were isolated from alcohol-insoluble solids (AIS) of leek. Pectic polysaccharides characterized with high anhydrouronic acid content and common pectic sugars – L-arabinose, D-galactose, D-glucose, and L-rhamnose. It was accomplished that D-galactose content was the highest, which allowed the assumption that pectin sugar side chains were from galactan type. Enzyme modification of acid-extracted pectin was realized. Different pectin-degrading enzymes were used. The first modified pectic fraction, obtained after endopolygalacturonase action and alcohol precipitation contained rhamnogalacturonan I and had high D-galactose content. The second fraction obtained from the first, after β-galactosidase treatment characterized with low D-galactose content. Probably this was result from β-galactosidase hydrolysis of pectin side chains. It was proved by the action of β-galactosidase that galactan side chains were mainly composed of β-(1→4)-linked D-galactose. It was accomplished that rhamnogalacturonan I had higher immunostimulating activity than the initial pectic polysaccharide, which confirmed the statement that pectin hairy regions were responsible for the biological activity. The second fraction had lower D-galactose content and lower activity than the first. Probably galactan side chains were responsible for the immunostimulating activity.enleekpectic polysaccharidespectic enzymesimmunostimulating activityInfluence of composition on the biological activity of pectic polysaccharides from leekArticle