Nikolova, Aleksandra2024-09-172024-09-1720242815-4134 article examines some of the applications of e-books as a tool in teaching mathematics at the primary stage of education. Features of the online e-book creation platform Book Creator are presented, which make it a must-have tool in the arsenal of the modern elementary school teacher. In order to assess the possibilities for the application of electronic books in primary school and in particular in the teaching of mathematics from 1st to 4th grade, a survey was carried out with 125 primary teachers from the Plovdiv Region. In it, they share the positive sides and disadvantages of using ready-made e-books and creating author's ones. The results of the conducted survey show that primary school teachers appreciate the possibility of e-books having a different format, containing audio files, video files and additional resources, as well as being available on the Internet, and as their disadvantage they indicate the time needed to create such resource type. The conducted research shows that e-books successfully find their place in primary school education and in particular in mathematics education.othere-bookmathematicselementary schoolELECTRONIC BOOKS AS AN EDUCATIONAL TOOL IN MATHEMATICS TEACHING FROM 1ST TO 4TH GRADESArticle