Tsekov, Borislav2024-10-042024-10-042024-05-062367-5314https://doi.uni-plovdiv.bg/handle/store/246This study focuses on the shortcomings of presidential republics and the advantages of parliamentary forms of government. On the basis of social and historical experience in Europe, the paper argues that the parliamentary model provides better guarantees against authoritarian and one-man political regimes. The point is that there has been a rejection of the presidential model in postwar Europe, and even in France and Finland the emphasis is again on political accountability of the executive to parliament. The great exception, the success of the presidential republic in the United States, is due to national characteristics absent in Europe. The predominance of personal, authoritarian, and totalitarian regimes and the fragility of the democratic tradition are highlighted in a brief overview of Bulgaria's constitutional development. On this basis, the author argues that only parliamentary republics are a guarantee of sustainable democratic development.otherparliamentary republicpresidential republicdemocracyauthoritarianismOn the Issue of Parliamentary Governance as a Guarantor of DemocracyArticle