Dimitrov, Hristo A.Kunchev, Angel I.Markov, Georgi G.2024-05-282024-05-282015-02-261314-6246https://doi.uni-plovdiv.bg/handle/store/117This study describes several haematological components of the striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius) inhabiting anthropogenically uninfluenced riverside dense forest in North-eastern Bulgaria. Measurements of the haematological parameters revealed that there is not statistical difference between males and females specimens from North-east Bulgaria. Only the number of granulocytes (GRA) and haematocrit values (HCT) differed significantly among both sex. The present examination and statistical analysis of the defined haematological parameters has established the initial norm of their variation described by the 95% confidence interval of their mean values in adult males and females and it can be used as a bio-indicative marker for evaluating the changing conditions in natural and agricultural ecosystems with various degrees and types of anthropogenic pollution in Bulgaria.enhaematologywild rodentsbioindicative markerstriped mouseApodemus agrariusHaematological profile of natural populations of striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771) from slightly anthropogenic influenced ecosystem in North-Eastern BulgariaArticle