Kiossev, Alexander2024-07-012024-07-0120243033-0599 a methodology developed by Radosvet Kolarov, which relativizes „the death of the author“ and turns it into an inner-textual mechanism, this article deals with the complex and dramatic biography of the great writer Andrey Platonov. An attempt is made to analyze it as an organizing auto-poetic principle of his creative work. The transformations of enduring ideological and emotional motives that start from the early Platonov and reach his late works are traced; the principles of auto-citation, transformation, and auto-polemics are analyzed. The conclusions comment on the special phantasmal core present in every ideology and the possibility of it being manipulated politically.otherbiographyauto-citationautopolemicstransformationidentityphantasmideologyANDREY PLATONOV: BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOTEXTUALITYArticle