Boev, Zlatozar2025-01-162025-01-162025-01-151313-9916 total 1653 animal remains of 18 taxa have been established in the medieval (10-12 c. AD.) Monastery of Chargubilya Mostich in Veliki Preslav (Shumen Region, CN Bulgaria). Some wild mammals as red deer, roe deer, wild boar and European edible dormouse were rarely hunted, while livestock breeding (cattle, pig, goat, sheep, horse, donkey and rabbit) was the basic source of meat for the settlement’s inhabitants.enSubfossil vertebratesArchaeozoologyHolocene animal remainsAnimal remains from the Monastery of Chargubilya Mostich in Veliki Preslav (10-12th c. AD) – NE BulgariaArticle