Chobanova, Lilyana2024-09-172024-09-1720242815-4134 bilingualism there is a mixture of two language systems of the native language, which in preschool and primary school age is not sufficiently mastered and studied, and foreign, taught on the basis of the native. In the speech of children bilingual influence of the native language system is manifested in the speech. In the context of bilingualism, the child faces difficulties in applying specific rules for the use of sounds and words derived from the transfer of characteristic linguistic concepts and generalizations from one language to another. In this regard, in the process of mastering oral speech linguistic laws of the native language come into conflict with the well-learned rules, phenomena and facts from a foreign language. Its speech is illiterate, and its thoughts are presented in simplified sentence constructions.otherbilingualismforeign languagenative languagedyslexiaBILINGUISM AND DYSLEXIAArticle