Slavkova, SvetlanaZangoli, Giulia2024-07-012024-07-0120243033-0599 paper analyses the prefixal encoding of spatial orientation in one of the few Russian ʿstrongʾ verbs of manner of motion, i. e. the verb tancevat’ (to dance). Our study relies primarily on the conceptual framework presented in the works of V. A. Plungyan (Плунгян / Plungyan 2002; 2011). Following the approach adopted by the author regarding verbs specializing in expressing only the manner of motion (in the author’s terminology, “strong verbs of manner of motion”), we focus our attention on the behavior of the verb tancevat’ (to dance) and on its prefixed forms in order to determine which ʿlatentʾ components of its semantics are activated when prefixed. Attention is paid as well to the interaction between the spatial meaning of verbal prefixes and the lexical meaning of the verb tancevat’ (to dance). Except for a few cases the material we analyse is taken from the Russian National Corpus. Exam-ples are intentionally given with a broader context in order to provide a more detailed analysis of prefixed forms of the verb tancevat’ in their context of use.enverbal prefixesmannermotionRussiantancevat’trajectoryON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE LEXICAL MEANING OF THE RUSSIAN VERB TANCEVAТ’ AND VERBAL PREFIXES WITH SPATIAL MEANINGArticle