Angelova, Viktoriya2024-09-172024-09-1720242815-4134 person's behavior and attitude towards his environment depends on the moral values that are built in the family, but also in the society in which he lives. The reaction he makes to his surroundings is based on this. Each individualʼs personality is a wide range of understandings, feelings, needs, desires and thoughts. The puzzle they form is the foundation of his behavior and emotions. The moral and ethical principles that we consider correct and important are precisely the values: forgiveness, honesty, love, respect, self-control, etc. Values influence our behavior, priorities and relationships with others. But in recent decades there has been a decline in the confession of basic moral values. This article presents a general overview of the main theoretical positions in Bulgaria related to deviant behavior in youth. Knowing the specifics of the age period, namely adolescence and the main components and factors for the emergence of deviant behavior can trace clear methods and strategies for professional work and behavior rehabilitation. Social-psychological and pedagogical work with young people with deviant manifestations requires close professional and practical training of specialists from various fields.otherdeviant behaviorjuvenilesvaluessocial workDEVIANT BEHAVIOR IN JUVENILES – THEORETICAL POSITIONS IN BULGARIAArticle