Ghasemi, MehdiAtakishiyeva, Yemen2024-05-282024-05-282015-03-081314-6246 of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) metabolism leads to many diseases. In this study, producers of γ-linolenic acid (GLA), arachidonic acid (ARA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were selected: Cephalosporium humicola IE (on glucose, dry biomass – 14 g/l, total lipids – 18-20%, GLA in lipids – 12.0%), Mucor globosus 11 (respectively – 15 g/l, 18% and 5%) and Pythium irregulare LX (on glucose, dry biomass – 14.5 g/l, total lipids – 18-20%, 9.2 and 7.8% of ARA and EPA, respectively). On crude oil as the only source of carbon, the amount of biomass of the specified fungi decreases by 3-4 times, whereas the quantity of lipids and highly unsaturated fatty acids increases in four and 1.2 - 3.4 times, respectively. The maximum γ-linolenic acid in M. globosus and C. humicola was detected at neutral рН. Optimum volume of inoculate was 2.0-4.0%, nitrogen source NH4NO3, a carbon-nitrogen ratio 34:1. For biosynthesis of ARA and EPA by P. irregulare, the optimum nitrogen source was NH4Cl, рН 7.0- 8.0 and С/N - 50:1 at 28°C. The process of adaptation to stressful situation under crude oil motivated the increase of the rate of membrane phospholipids with high quantity of unsaturated fatty acids.enCephalosporium humicolaMucor globosusPythium irregularesingle cell oilspolyunsaturated fatty acidsomegaoptimizationBiosynthesis of highly unsaturated fatty acids by hydrocarbon degrading microorganismsArticle