Spasova, Velichka2024-11-272024-11-2720230861-0029 article investigates the constituents of English and Bulgarian alternative interrogative structures (E&BAISs) and their functions within the clause. The qualitative and quantitative findings from the comparative corpusbased study indicate that E&BAISs most often function as direct objects, subject-oriented predicative complements and adjuncts. E&BAISs are often examples of binary unmixed coordination of noun phrases, prepositional phrases or (closed) interrogative subordinate clauses. The constituents are most often found in the same sentence. Preposing of the first constituent or of the whole alternative interrogative structure is a phenomenon common to Bulgarian alternative interrogative structures.enalternative interrogative structureconstituentsfunctiondirect objectsubject-oriented predicative complementadjunctCONSTITUENTS OF ENGLISH AND BULGARIAN ALTERNATIVE INTERROGATIVE STRUCTURES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS WITHIN THE CLAUSEArticle