Mladenova, Margarita2024-11-272024-11-2720230861-0029 paper deals with the interference markers in the Czech text of the diary of monk Sava of Hilendar born in Czechia as Slavibor Bräuer who wrote it in Hilendar monastery in 1881–1884. The language situation in this monastery is short presented and examples of interference are presented divided in 3 groups of type – names of local realy; terms from orthodox church ceremonies and parts of ritual garment; semantic and grammar transformations in the Czech language of the original text. The influences are exclusively from Church Slavonic and Bulgarian languages.otherLanguage interferenceCzechBulfarianMount AthosChilendar monasteryCzech monk at Athos monasteryLANGUAGE INTERFERENCE IN UNEXPECTED ENVIRONMENTArticle