Научни трудове - Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски". Книга 7. Обществени науки : Право /Naučni trudove - Plovdivski universitet Paisij Hilendarski. Kniga 7, Obŝestveni nauki: Pravo/
Browsing Научни трудове - Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски". Книга 7. Обществени науки : Право /Naučni trudove - Plovdivski universitet Paisij Hilendarski. Kniga 7, Obŝestveni nauki: Pravo/ by Subject "Eu-ropean Union Blue Card"
(Plovdiv University Press, 2023) Genova, Yaroslava
The paper mainly deals with the legal framework of labour migration within the meaning of the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act. It first clarifies the meaning and substance of the new legal term for the Bulgarian labour law, ‘labour migration’. The special rules for hiring third-country national workers in Bulgaria in relation to the main types of access permits to the Bulgarian labour market have been examined.