Научни трудове - Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски". Книга 7. Обществени науки : Право /Naučni trudove - Plovdivski universitet Paisij Hilendarski. Kniga 7, Obŝestveni nauki: Pravo/
Browsing Научни трудове - Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски". Книга 7. Обществени науки : Право /Naučni trudove - Plovdivski universitet Paisij Hilendarski. Kniga 7, Obŝestveni nauki: Pravo/ by Subject "age restrictions"
(Plovdiv University Press, 2023) Ipokratova, Krasimira
The article examines the criminal law regime of minors for the period from the establishment of the Bulgarian state in 681 to 1989. For this purpose, the paper is divided into seven historical periods of the Bulgari-an state and law, in which the establishment and development of the special criminal law regime of minors is studied. An attempt has been made to exam-ine all known legal monuments and laws from the respective eras related to this legal institution of criminal law.