Spatial distribution of nocturnal raptor species (Aves: Strigiformes) in the Upper Thracian lowland, Bulgaria
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Plovdiv University Press "Paisii Hilendarski"
Here we aim to present the recent breeding distribution of the owl species from the Upper Thracian Lowland, Bulgaria, and to compare it with previous studies to highlight distribution changes in the species. Moreover, as a second objective we aim to present the non-breeding distribution (during winter or migration) of the studied species for the first time. The most common species, widely distributed in the study area were the Little owl, the Eurasian Scops owl, the Long-eared owl and the Barn owl. We found new localities for the Short-eared owl and the Eagle owl that are rare breeding species in the study area. The Tawny owl is also rare in the Upper Thracian Lowland and mostly occurs in old preserved forest patches along the Maritsa river valley.
owls, occurrence, UTM, breeding, wintering