Study of soils in mountain ecosystems in Yundola, Bulgaria
Bogdanov, Simeon
Baubekova, Gauhar
Daribayeva, Sevara
Tauakelov, Chingis
Grigorova-Pesheva, Bilyana
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Plovdiv University Press "Paisii Hilendarski"
The productivity of forest plantations depends directly on the soil's ability to meet the specific requirements of each tree species. Soil fertility is a determining factor in the existence, development, and normal functioning of forest ecosystems. Natural coniferous forests in mountain ecosystems are a particularly important part of Bulgaria's forest resources. They are of great economic importance, but also have protective functions. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of the main soil types in natural mountain ecosystems in Yundola, Bulgaria. The object of this study is the most widely distributed soils in Bulgaria's natural mountain ecosystems. These are Dystric-Eutric Cambisols, Umbric Cambisols and Modic Cambisols, which belong to the class of metamorphic soils (Cambisols). Statistical analysis of the results revealed statistically significant differences in soil organic matter content, C:N ratio, and pH among the three studies soil types, which were consistent with changes in altitude.
soil organic matter, C:N ratio, pH, Cambisols