Estimation of the environment as background for selection on adaptivity in white lupine breeding
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Plovdiv University Press "Paisii Hilendarski"
A representative evaluation of the breeding value of genotypes in the development of varieties with general and specific adaptability is possible using special features of nature background, which often do not coincide in informativity regarding the different parameters and indicators. The study was conducted in 2014-2016 to determine the reaction of white lupine varieties under different environmental conditions for the needs of adaptability selection. It was made an estimation of the adaptive properties of ten varieties (Astra, Nahrquell, Ascar, BGR 6305, Shienfield Gard, WAT, Kijewskij Mutant, Hetman, Start, Amiga) on basic quantitative traits was conducted. Genotypes with high general and specific adaptive ability, relative stability and selective value in grain productivity direction were determined. For all the investigated traits, the interaction genotype-environment was significant. With high selective value and level of the trait was variety Shienfield Gard regarding number of pods, mass of 1000 seeds and seed weight per plant. Kijewskij Mutant and Shienfield Gard, followed by Ascar, had a high index of homeostasis and stability of the studied traits. Varieties Kijewskij Mutant, Ascar and Shienfield Gard represented a breeding interest in terms of the studied traits and may be included in future hybridization schemes for the development of stable and high-yielding white lupine varieties.
adaptivity, breeding, white lupine, background of selection