Immunohistochemical study of IL-17, perforin and CD68 in colorectal cancer

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Plovdiv University Press “Paisii Hilendarski”
The tumor development in colorectal cancer is one of the most investigated tumorigenesis in the world. This study aims to analyze the impact of presence of IL-17, perforin and CD68 on colorectal cancer. During the period October 1st 2013 – March 1st 2014, samples from fifty patients with colon cancer (14 female and 36 male, 7-75 years old) from Al-Hussain Hospital City (Kerbala, Iraq), Hospital Medical City (Baghdad, Iraq) and Teaching Oncology Hospital, Baghdad Medical City (Baghdad, Iraq) were taken and analyzed. Immunohistochemical analyses of IL-17, perforin and CD68 of colorectal biopsies were performed by using Dako’s Service (Denmark). The levels of IL-17 were significantly (p<0.01) higher in females (age group 41-75), and Duke C. Perforin was found around the crypts of the mucosa and submucosa. Their levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in males (age group 41-75) with significance (p<0.01) in Duke B. CD68 was present around the crypts, but results showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the genders, whereas there was a highly significant (p<0.01) increase in age group 41-75 when compared with the others groups. Also, the results revealed a highly significant raise (p<0.01) in Duke C when compared with the TNM groups and highly significant (p<0.01) correlation among study parameters. These results demonstrated the critical role of IL-17, perforin and CD68 highlighting tumorigenesis and inflammation as pro-inflammatory factors in colorectal cancer.
IL-17, perforin, CD68, colorectal cancer